Wednesday 18 November 2015

Difference between "== operator" and "equals() method" in java

= = Operator
equals() method
It is used for reference comparison.
It is also used for reference comparison but if we want we can override for content comparison
It can be apply for both primitives and object references.
It can be apply for only object references.
s1==s2 is true, iff both s1 & s2 are pointing to the same object on the heap.
In the object class, .equals() returns true, iff both s1& s2 are pointing to the same object.
We can't apply == operator for incompatible types of objects violation leads to compile time exception saying incompatible types.
Ex: String s1="getsure";
Student s2 = new Student("suresh");
SOP(s1==s2) --> C.E
It never rises any compile time / run time exception just it will simply returns false in the case of incompatible types.
In Identity Hashmap, JVM uses == operator to identify duplicate keys.
Ex: IdentityHashMap m=new IdentityHashMap(); Integer i1=new Integer(10);
Integer i2=new Integer(10);
m.put(i1, "GetSure");m.put(i2, "Infotech");
SOP(m) --> O/P: 10 - GetSure, 10 - Infotech
In Hashmap, the JVM uses .equals() method to identify duplicate keys.
Ex: HashMap m=new HashMap();
Integer i1=new Integer(10);
Integer i2=new Integer(10);
m.put(i1, "GetSure");m.put(i2, "Infotech");
SOP(m) --> O/P: Only 10 - Infotech

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